An Unprecedented Dianostic Program With many Applications

The world’s top organizations depend on PDP to make better hiring decisions, improve communications, and build effective teams.

As a certified PDP Representatives, we guide you through the transformative power of the PDP system.

System Choices For Every Organization With or Without a Budget

Many consultants who represent some type of a psychological or personality tool just sell reports. You buy reports and that’s it, a one and done experience…

With Global Behavior & Associates we’re not holding anything back, our desire is offer the finest in consultation and training by equipping our clientele to be successfully self sufficient with your own system.


Understand What Makes Your People Tick

ProScan is the foundational core of the PDP System. This powerful assessment identifies strengths, energy levels, motivators, stressors, satisfaction, communication style, and logic of individuals.

The survey can be completed in less than 10 minutes and it produces an easy-to-understand report that provides transformative insights.

Pro Scan
Team Scan Global Behavior


Build Dynamic and Effective Teams

TeamScan gives you a deeper understanding of the unique group dynamics of your teams. This assessment measures productivity levels, work styles, energy levels, and points-of-views to help you lead change.

The report strengthens your team’s understanding and appreciate of the current state of the culture.


Choose the Right Person for the Job

JobScan creates job models by measuring the success criteria for a position based on characteristics of your top performers. It matches applicants to the job model and generates interviewing guides to help make the right hire.


POWERAPP ~ In-house Training Solution

Turn Insight into Action

PowerApp workshops remove the trouble of having to develop your own resources or training sessions. You gain full access to an assortment of resources to immediately implement the workshops you need to achieve desired outcomes. The facilitation of the PowerApp Workshops can be either in-house by your PDP Certified Professional or by your Global Behavior consultant.

  • Strengths

    Understand your own natural behavioral traits, decision-making style, and energy level. Also available as eLearning

  • Communicate

    Develop quality working relationships through improved communication skills. Also available as eLearning

  • Team

    Assess team environment, identity, and purpose while fostering mutual respect.

  • Manage

    Understand what makes people TICK—their Traits, Interests, Communication Styles, and Key Action Tips. Also available as eLearning

  • Sell

    Gain self-awareness and customer awareness, and overcome triggers that hinder sales.

  • Lead

    Develop effective leadership skills through personal evaluation and group process.

  • Recruit

    Create accurate job models for attracting, interviewing, and hiring the best candidate.

  • Manage

    Understand what makes people TICK—their Traits, Interests, Communication Styles, and Key Action Tips. Also available as eLearning

Reach Your Full Potential with PDP

Take the next steps to introduce the PDP System into your organization.

Why PDP With Global Behavior & Associates

Quick and Easy Surveys

Individuals can complete surveys in less than 10 minutes to identify traits and characteristics.

Comprehensive Reporting

ProScan reports for individuals and TeamScan reports for teams are comprehensive and easy-to-understand.

Real-World Applications

Turn the insights into action with workshops designed to overcome challenges of developing your own resources for training.

What others say about PDP

“When first introduced to the ProScan assessment I had my wife, children and all of their acquaintances complete the process, back then it was by fax. Soon after everyone in our personal lives completed their assessment my employees followed and we’ve been using PDPworks and referring Global Behavior ever since, we’ve been enjoying our relationship for more than 20 years.”

Peter C. Foy, CEOPeter C. Foy & Associates, Los Angeles, CA

“We’ve received impressive results by having Team Discovery sessions for our Plant Managers, Accounting and Operations Departments. Our people have embraced their results with appreciation. Additionally, our Human Resource Managers are certified in PDP and we’ve had an exceptional 4 year relationship with Global Behavior.”

William Howard, Vice President Human ResourcesBernhardt Furniture Company, Lenoir, NC

“Prior to being referred to PDP I had used several behavioral inventories, all of which were more complicated and less attractive for daily applications. During my professional training we profiled my family long-distance, then Don Crosby introduced me to my father. We called dad and he confirmed the accuracy, it was incredible, we’ve had great success with PDP but I’ll never forget that moment. File Vault continues to enjoy our 6 year relationship with Global Behavior.”

Dan Peck, CEOFile Vault, Inc., Charlotte, NC

“The sophistication of the PDP technology combined with the experience of Global Behavior’s talents has individuals in my organization reflecting and acting on being the most effective team possible. Too often there becomes a wave of the latest and greatest, but PDP just kept getting better… We are a group that is not easily impressed, but no matter what the situation was, we remain committed as Premier Real Estate Investments continues a 6 year relationship with Global Behavior.”

Jeff Zukerman, PresidentPremier Real Estate Investments, Cleveland, OH

Published Research Studies:

Research Reference

of the Professional DynaMetric Programs®, Inc. (PDP®) ProScan ® Instrument.

Monograph No. 9

Independent Studies of the Reliability and Validity of the ProScan Survey:

Validation Study

of the Professional DynaMetric Programs®, Inc. (PDP®) ProScan® and JobScan® for Predicting Driver Success.

The Power of Belief is in a Personal Demonstration!

Don’t just take our word for it… See for yourself, request a demo to personally experience the power of PDP.

© 2019 - Global Behavior