Business cycles are too short and important to be operating the people side of business by status quo.

A sad routine for any company is losing significant and dedicated people who were destined for permanency. During the exit interview they were leaving for logical reasons… but truthfully they left with hopeless, determining that nothing will change or improve.

The dedicated workforce known by past generations is historic… while today; when workers are not satisfied they leave.

Additionally, a global labor force is reaching retirement creating vacancies and a priceless loss of production knowledge.

When business is slow, boards, investors, owners and management go into panic mode. When business is strong, no one has the time because leadership is distracted by growth.

So where does succession planning and mentoring come into the strategic plan?

Conversations about jobs

“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”
-Jim Rolm

The consequences of a Costly Workforce are characteristically caused by behavioral differences, but recognized by:

  • Communication issues
  • Poor morale
  • Low job satisfaction
  • Emotional frustrations
  • Costly turnover

Organizational Repair and Maintenance Diagnostic

The Organizational Repair and Maintenance concept (ORM) is – for your company – akin to the maintenance schedule of an automobile.

Most of us understand when it comes to our automobiles preventive maintenance is cost-effective and critical.

In most companies, everyone is so busy with meetings, projects, and daily distractions – while still trying to maintain, stabilize, and grow the business – that we somehow do not always find the time and energy to think about having a diagnostic understanding of our organization.

Sadly, the equivalent of not having the proper maintenance is driving your vehicle hundreds of thousands of miles without an oil change or on the same set of tires without an alignment or rotation.

Do you understand the TRUE COSTS of your employee turnover?

Hiring and managing the people issues of any company have always been challenging, but nothing like the circumstances facing businesses today.

Hiring people who do not fit your job position(s) and/or the behavior of your current staff is an enormous expense, a morale killer and emotionally exhausting for everyone involved.

Learn Today… how employee turnover is financially affecting your company!

Discover a better way to improving your workplace

Get The Facts About A Costly Workforce!

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* Personal Dynamics Reports Package

* Employee Turnover Packet

And, learn how to create your personal strategy for reducing employee turnover, building an exceptional team, and improving the morale of your staff.

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