Create New Revenue Streams

Optimize Organizational Performance

Increase Profitability

Gain the Knowledge of Certification and a Sensible Business Opportunity.

Whether you’re an established business looking for new revenue streams or a Consultant looking to add more value to clients, our Licensed Associate (LA) business opportunity can get you there.

Get training, mentoring, and ongoing support

Becoming a Global Behavior Licensed Associate ensures you have an expert guiding you through the process of selling powerful behavioral systems, implementing the org-wide rollout, and monitoring results.

Scale your business for continued success

By scaling our Licensed Associate to your company portfolio is an innovative strategy to establish an additional service to your company’s bottom line while adding value for your clientele.

How to Become a Global Behavior Licensed Associate

  • Register for Weekly Webcast or Personal Webinar

  • Meet with a Global Behavior Representative

  • Beome PDP Certified

  • Launch Your PDPworks System

  • Get Trained in Colorado Springs, CO

  • Start Implementing and Scaling

Who Should Become a Global Behavior Licensed Associate?

Human Resource Organizations

If you have an existing book of business and want to expand your capabilities and add value to your clients.

Progressive Recruiting Firms

If you are a forward-thinking recruiting firm that wants to attract, recruit, and hire the best candidate through a proven methodology, our training and support will give you a solid framework for success.

Accounting & Consulting Firms

If you are looking to create a new revenue stream and department to expand your scope of services, you’ll get an effective and profitable way to scale your business.

Our Certified LA Business Opportunity

is even a fine option for the exceptional husband and wife team…

“I have been in the executive recruiting business for 20 years.  We have worked with many different behavioral survey tools including DISC, PI, Meyers-Briggs, Drake P3, TTI Insights, and Profiles XT.  PDP is the only product we’ve found offering such a robust arrangement of applications that can accurately help us benchmark a job (for any position) and make it easy for our clients to understand and implement.

As a PDP LA we are equipped to license PDPworks systems, train users and offer an additional range of solutions for our clients, an awesome fit to our business model. Joining Global Behavior’s professional team has reduced our learning curve of being a more proficient and successful Licensed Associate.”

Michael Smith, President / CEO – Ag 1 Source / Career 1 SourceAg 1 Source / Career 1 Source

“Life is too short to go through the motions missing the fulfillment of your ambitions. Prior to PDP I was searching for a career that would synchronize my heart of making a difference in peoples lives with building a financially responsible lifestyle. With our state of-the-art online PDPworks business system, certification and learning materials, online eCampus and famed ProScan accuracy, there has never been a better time to join our PDP family.

PDP’s technology is Life Changing… so obviously with more than 28 years of professionally representing PDP with our worldwide vision; my responsibility is to mentor other’s who have similar needs, passions and ambitions.

Don CrosbyFounder/President, PDP Representative Since 1993Global Behavior Companies

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Every Wednesday @ 3:00 PM EST

Learn how to create your personal strategy for reducing employee turnover, building an exceptional team, and improving the morale of your staff.

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